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Position Statements

The Missoula Organization of REALTOR®s  (MOR) strives to be a thought leader and trusted voice on issues impacting the development of a healthy, vibrant, and diverse community.

MOR's Board of Directors approved these Position Statements to direct efforts to influence hot topics in our neighborhoods. That influence is channeled through a Public Affairs Committee.

Public Affairs tracks policy issues in local, state and national governments related to the ownership and transfer of property impacting Missoula, Granite, Mineral and Sanders counties. Examples include zoning and subdivision, health and safety and affordability. For questions about our Position Statements, please contact MOR's Public Affairs Director, Jeff LeRoy, at

MOR Public Affairs Position Statements

MOR strongly supports the right of every Montanan, as enshrined in Montana’s Constitution, to a clean and healthful environment for present and future generations. We are in strong support of green initiatives and ordinances that make real estate more environmentally friendly, without unnecessarily creating delays and/or unnecessarily raising the cost of ownership. Efforts to increase energy efficiency should be incorporated whenever possible to do so without creating undue burden upon owners, buyers, or sellers.

*While every Position Statement is important, those marked with an asterisk* are the primary focus of the Public Affairs committee for 2025 and into the foreseeable future.

The Purpose

REALTORS®, real estate industry professionals and citizens who own property must, of necessity, be involved in public affairs and community government and regulatory issues. Private property and homeownership are one of the most critical factors in shaping the community profile of Missoula and Western Montana. To ensure the quality of life, standards are improved or, at minimum, maintained, being proactive with a clear, balanced, all-inclusive vision is essential.

Conscious of this need, MOR provides a professional public affairs effort, coordinated by the MOR Public Affairs Director. This gives the importance of private property rights a face and a voice at meetings where decisions are made about land use and homeownership.

The Public Affairs Director meets with local government officials, community task forces, neighborhood groups, and individuals to gain and provide knowledge relating to homeownership, private property rights, and the quality of life in Missoula and Western Montana.

Government Relations

The Public Affairs Director meets with local government officials, community task forces, neighborhood groups, and individuals to gain and provide knowledge relating to homeownership, private property rights, and the quality of life in Missoula and Western Montana.

MOR also has a significant political role in the local area. MOR interviews and supports candidates in elections, is actively involved with the Montana Association in addressing statewide legislation and regulation and stays in touch with the Montana Congressional delegation in Washington D.C. through efforts of the National Association of REALTORS®.

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