We're pleased to announce the 2023 Board of Director Officers and those Local Directors newly-elected by MOR membership.
2023 Board Officers:
President – Carly Kelley McDonnell, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, President Elect – Brint Wahlberg, Windermere Real Estate, First Vice President – Sheena Comer Winterer, Ink Realty Group, Treasurer – Judy Gudgel, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, and Past President – Mandy Snook, Montana Land Company.
Newly-elected Directors in 2023:
John Herring, RE/MAX All Stars, Josh Plum, Point 6 Real Estate, and Cindy Waltz, Ink Realty Group. For a complete list of MOR’s Board please click here.
MOR’s strategic plans for 2023 will continue to focus on collaborating with private and public sectors on pathways for
attainable housing throughout all the communities their members serve. Several key efforts include:
• Ensuring that all neighborhoods have a REALTOR® champion as resource and advocate for key Real Estate topics.
• Continue to lead the timely and accurate reporting on housing data across the five valleys.
• Supporting community efforts to create a diverse, growing, and resilient local economy.
“Though market conditions have moved away from the frenzy of 2020 and 2021, it is more important than ever to trust in the profession of REALTORs® to help provide guidance in today’s housing market,” said Jim Bachand, CEO.
“It’s the commitment that REALTOR® members make to a high standard of professionalism that’s sets them apart in the Real Estate Industry,” Bachand continued.